Showing posts with label Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cancer. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lung Cancer - Are You At Risk?

Cancer is an abnormality of the cell that results in uncontrolled cell growth. The abnormal cells continue dividing and form a lump or tumor. This tumor if, cancerous can invade other healthy tissues and destroy them. It is at this point known to have metastitize. Lung cancer tends to spread early after it is formed and therefore it is very dangerous and difficult to treat. Although this type of cancer has the ability to spread to other organs like liver, brain and bone, it is also a common site for other cancerous tumors to metastasize. Lung cancer is cancer than begins in one or both of the lungs

Are You At Risk?


About 90% of lung cancers are related to smoking tobacco. The number of cigarettes you smoke greatly increases your risk of getting lung cancer. Quitting smoking greatly reduces your risk. Passive smoking can also put one at risk of getting lung cancer. Passive smoking is inhaling cigarette smoke of a non smoker from a smoker.


Radon is an odorless gas produced by the natural breakdown of uranium in rocks, soil and water. The air eventually becomes part of the air you breathe. Some homes may have high levels of radon particularly on the lower level. Radon testing kits can be purchased to check if home have unsafe levels of radon. If this is so, measures can be taken to resolve it.


Workplace is the common place for exposure to asbestos and other chemicals. When inhaled, asbestos can persist in the lungs for a long time and cause lung disease. People who smoke and are exposed to asbestos are at higher risk of developing lung cancer.


People with family who have the disease are at a greater risk of developing it.

Other factors that can increase your risk include excessive alcohol intake, certain lung diseases like emphysema, air pollution and tuberculosis.

Lung cancer does not usually present any symptoms in its early stages. The tumor may be found through a chest x-ray done for other reasons. The symptoms begins when the cancer is advanced. These symptoms include:

- a new cough that does not go away
- coughing up blood (hemoptysis)
- change in a chronic cough
- chest pain that is dull, aching and persistent
- shortness of breath
- wheezing
- hoarseness
- unexplained weight loss

Lung cancer treatment options may depend on the stage of the cancer,the type of cancer, the individual's health. Treatment may not be an option when the side effects out weigh the benefits. In this case, the doctor may give supportive treatment to treat the symptoms of the disease like shortness of breath and pain.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Most Common Symptoms - Lung Cancer Detection

In just the UK, a staggering 1 in every 14 people will suffer from lung cancer during their lifetime. Unfortunately, lung cancer does not have a great survival rate and one of the biggest reasons is because often diagnosis happens in the latter stages of the disease. This late diagnosis is largely due to a lack of awareness of the symptoms. Only 27% of patients survive for longer than a year following their diagnosis. Of those 27%, patients who are diagnosed during the early stages of lung cancer have a 43-78% chance of surviving for up to five years following their diagnosis. Whereas survival rates past a year for those who have their cancer diagnosed during the later stages can be as low as 10%.

Because of this, it is absolutely crucial that people make themselves aware of the early symptoms of lung cancer so that they can go to a doctor for an assessment and possible diagnosis as quickly as possible. You may find that when you go to the doctor's you are simply reassured that your symptoms do not equate to cancer of the lungs. But, if you are unfortunately diagnosed, the earlier you get the diagnoses, the better. Here are some early signs of lung cancer to look out for, however these do not give a definitive answer, they are just a suggestion that you need to go to your doctor for a check-up.

Persistent coughing: Although coughing is a symptom of many illnesses (the majority of which are relatively harmless), persistent coughing may indicate a problem. If your cough has lasted for a several weeks or has worsened over time, it might be a sign of lung cancer. Also, bringing up large amounts of phlegm, especially if it contains blood, can be a prominent symptom.

Noisy breathing: If someone is making noises when they are breathing it is always a cause for concern. If someone is having difficulties breathing and/or is wheezing (stridor), it could be a sign of a chest infection, asthma or allergic reaction. However, it could also be an indication of lung cancer. Any trouble breathing should always be checked out.

Pain: In your shoulder, back and chest which isn't caused by persistent coughing.

Tiredness: Poor lung function (which could be caused by this type of cancer) will mean that your body isn't sending enough oxygenated blood to organs and muscles in your body. Because of this you may become extremely tired and your muscles may even begin to waste (cachexia.)

A loss in your appetite and weight loss: This isn't just a symptom of lung cancer exclusively but is a symptom of many cancers. Professionals remain unsure of why this is the case however it is certainly one to be aware of.

The Royal Brompton Hospital is one of the world's leading heart and lung centres, renowned for its expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. If you're looking for more information about the Royal Brompton's stop smoking clinic visit us today.

Warning Signs of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is now one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the world. It is usually associated with heavy smokers, but now has become a major concern for both occasional smokers and non-smokers alike. Lung cancer now kills more than twice the number of women than breast cancer kills, and is also found to be a lot more common in men than prostate cancer. Recent research showed women are 1.5 times more at risk of being diagnosed with the disease than men are, even though they smoke less.

Lung Cancer takes many years to develop in the body with its symptoms often over-looked by many. When the disease is finally diagnosed, it is usually found to be at a late stage. This late stage is the main reason for its high mortality rate throughout the world. However, lung cancer has many obvious signs when it is present, together with many more subtle signs. These more subtle signs are often detected at a later stage than the more obvious ones.

Warning Signs

1. One main sign is a persistent cough (smokers cough) that does not go away. This usually gets attributed to something else, or may even be accepted as just one of the side effects of smoking. Long persistent coughs should always be checked out by a doctor.

2. Coughing up small amounts of blood is another sign of lung cancer, although not always, as it can often be attributed to other conditions. Either way it is not normal and should once again be checked out at an early stage.

3. Wheezing and shortness of breath are often over-looked signs that simply get put down to either being a little out of trim or slightly overweight. Even a sufferer may think that it is something to do with getting a little older.

4. Constant rather than intermittent pains in the chest, shoulders and back are again over-looked signs of lung cancer. These usually get put down to the after effects of playing football, doing exercise, or even working excessively.

5. Continued and excessive tiredness even after a good nights sleep are often symptoms of the disease too. A doctor should be seen when the tiredness cannot be explained, especially if ones lifestyle does not justify it.

6. A notable weight loss when eating normally should be another cause for concern, as lung cancer causes a change in the bodies metabolism. This may be welcomed at first especially if one is of a chubby build, but if excessive, should be checked out.

7. Recurrent chest infections or pneumonia are signs that the airways may be blocked, usually caused by small spots growing on the inside of the tubes which are associated with cancer. Overtime these small spots can grow into malignant tumours.

If you have any of the above signs, an appointment should be made to see a doctor as early as possible. If the doctor is unable to reassure as to the reasons why these signs are present, it is recommended that a second or even third opinion be sought.

Philip Albert Edmonds-Hunt is from the County of Oxfordshire in the United Kingdom. He has travelled most of Europe, and he has lived in Spain on more than one occasion. Philip has also travelled much of the USA and now lives and works as a Freelance Writer and English Teacher in Mexico. He is the owner of "The Oxford Quill," a small but reliable business offering a range of services such as, "Professional Article Writing, 'Proofreading, and Website Design." Philip's business also offers an extensive selection of professionally written e-books. If you are interested in reading about alternative cure cancer treatments, check out:

Diet for Lung Cancer Patient

Lung cancer accounts for a number of cancer deaths in a year. Patients taking chemotherapy treatment usually lose their appetite, however, at this time, the body requires additional strength to heal and restore the lost energy. Thus, getting appropriate nutrition is essential. A lung cancer patient can incorporate some of the foods mentioned below in his/her diet.

Foods rich in Antioxidant Chemicals

1. Incorporation of fruits and vegetables in a lung cancer patient's diet is essential to boost his immune system. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which enhances production of healthy cells by reducing free radicals (responsible for damaged cells) from our body.

2. Regular diet of an individual suffering from cancer should include garlic, onions, tomatoes, soy, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Onion and garlic lower the production of cancer-causing chemicals.

3. Green tea contains a number of antioxidant chemicals that are 500 times more potent than vitamin C sources. Thus, lung cancer patients should consume two cups of green tea in a day.

4. An antioxidant called lycopene found in tomatoes, watermelon and papaya also prevent cancer from getting worse.

5. Sulforaphane found in green and leafy vegetables, such as lettuce and cabbage is an antioxidant which increases phase II enzymes production. These enzymes are responsible for elimination of carcinogens from cells.

Healthy Fats

1. Cancer patients require as much fats as normal people do. However, their bodies find it hard to absorb saturated (unhealthy) fat. Diet of lung cancer patients should include items which have healthy fats. Sources of healthy fats help in the regulation of nervous system and also maintain blood pressure, heart rate, blood vessel constriction and prevent blood clotting.

2. Healthy fats' sources include olive oil, flaxseed oil and essential fatty acids such as Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in salmon, shrimp, nuts (particularly walnuts) and tofu. Supplements of omega-3 in the form of pills can also be taken. However, one should ask his/her oncologist to make sure it is safe.

3. Essential fatty acids limit the growth of cancerous cells. Thus, one should choose wisely before incorporating any fatty item in his/her diet.

Other than consumption of healthy foods and getting the proper nutrients, taking meals on time is also important to fight lung cancer. A well-balanced diet can control the spread of lung cancer and help the body recover from the damage caused. One should consult an oncologist before starting any diet or exercise.

Rinki Rawat provide in this articles about lung cancer and cancer. Also more information bone cancer to visit Onlymyhealth care website.

What Are the Survival Rates For Stage 4 Lung Cancer?

There are many different aspects to consider when estimating the life expectancy of a Stage 4 lung cancer patient. Lung cancer is usually broken down into four main stages:

Stage 1 - The cancer is small and localized in only one area of the lung.

Stages 2 and 3 - The cancer is larger and may have grown into the surrounding tissues, where cancer cells may be found in the lymph nodes.

Stage 4 - The cancer has spread outside the lung to another part of the body (secondary or metastatic cancer).

When Stage 4 of the disease has been reached, the cancer is no longer contained within the lung, and has spread to one or more parts of the body, either through the bloodstream, or the lymph system (a collection of vessels that carry fluid and immune system cells).

Stage 4 of the disease is therefore the most dangerous and life threatening stage for a patient. Because lung cancer usually takes many years slowly growing in the body before it is diagnosed, Stage 4 of the disease is the most commonly found in a patient.

The survival rate (the life expectancy of a Stage 4 patient) can vary from patient to patient, making it difficult to give an exact figure. These different variables can be broken down into the following:

No. 1 The particular type of lung cancer, and its exact location. Stage 4 lung cancer consists of several different types of cancer, and includes those that have not just spread to one other part of the body, but those that have also spread to various parts.

No. 2 The sex of a patient is an important factor, as a woman has a higher survival rate through each stage of the disease than a man does.

No. 3 The condition of the patient (health wise) has a large bearing on the life expectancy of a patient. A healthy patient has a greater life expectancy due to being able to withstand better the different stages of treatment.

No. 4 A younger patient is likely to survive longer than an older patient, as the bodies organs are usually more responsive to treatment, and are usually in a better condition.

No. 5 The ability to respond to different treatments such as Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Stereotatic Body Radiosurgery, or even Surgery, is another factor to consider.

No. 6 A patient who suffers from other conditions, such as emphysema (damaged air spaces within the lungs), may also have a lower Stage 4 life expectancy.

No. 7 Complications during the various treatments of a patient will help decide how long a patient may or may not live, after all the treatments are finished.

After taking all of these factors into account, the average survival rate for a lung cancer patient could be considered to be five years or less, from the time of diagnosis.

Philip Albert Edmonds-Hunt is from the County of Oxfordshire in the United Kingdom. He has travelled most of Europe, and he has lived in Spain on more than one occasion. Philip has also travelled much of the USA and now lives and works as a Freelance Writer and English Teacher in Mexico. He is the owner of "The Oxford Quill," a small but reliable business offering a range of services such as, "Professional Article Writing, Proofreading, and Website Design." If you are interested in reading more about how to treat lung cancer, check out:

Monday, October 8, 2012

Discussing Lung Cancer Treatment

The World Health Organisation estimates that cancer is the cause of a staggering 13% of deaths worldwide per year. Of all the different cancer types, lung cancer is the most deadly by a significant margin (1.37 million deaths per year, with the second most deadly- stomach cancer- accounting for a much smaller 736,000).

It is important then, if you or someone you know is suffering from lung cancer, to be aware of the different treatment options available and which ones are the most effective. As always, this information is intended only to improve awareness and in the unfortunate cases where readers are suffering from this disease, they should always listen to the expert advice of their doctors. The appropriate treatment will always depend on the type of cancer, its stage of progression, where the cancer is within the lung and the state of the sufferer's health in general.


Lobectomy is the surgical removal of one or more 'lobes' of the lung in order to get rid of the infected tissue and prevent the cancer from spreading. This may require, in some cases, the removal of an entire lung (technically a pneumonectamy), but is only really suitable for non small-cell cancers and unless the cancer is in the early stages, may have to be paired with another treatment.


Chemotherapy is the use of cytotoxic drugs to prevent the growth of cancers on a cellular level. Small-cell lung cancers, which occur in 12 in every 100 sufferers, tend to respond well to this treatment and it is also favoured in cases where the cancer has spread beyond the lung.


Radiotherapy is the targeted use of radiation at the site of the cancer (in this case the lung, sometimes along with the brain depending on the risk of the cancer spreading) which is intended to kill the cancer cells. A course of radiotherapy normally lasts between 3 and 6 weeks, and can be given in tandem with chemotherapy to good effect.


Cryotherapy uses intense cold temperatures to freeze and kill tumours within the lung, most of which are then removed (but some may be expelled naturally post-surgery). This type of therapy has been shown to reduce symptoms in as many as 8 out of 10 patients.

Photodynamic Therapy

PDT involves injecting the patient with a drug to make them highly sensitized to light. Later, the patient is placed under anaesthetic and a bronchoscopy is performed, during which an extremely bright light is shined onto the tumour which triggers the drug to kill the cancer cells.

The Royal Brompton Hospital is one of the world's leading heart and lung centres, renowned for its expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. If you're looking for more information about the early symptoms of lung cancer visit us today.

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